Chapman Family

Monday, July 31, 2006

Lets see if I still remember how to crawl! Yep! Posted by Picasa

Clark LOVES strolling! Posted by Picasa

John Clark Williamson~ age 6 months Posted by Picasa

Uh - OH ! Posted by Picasa

John Clark and Clark with his new cell phone! Posted by Picasa

Clark loves to walk "Turbo" Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Birthday parties are fun! Posted by Picasa

Bradley at the party with the "goodies"~ Posted by Picasa

Aunt Myrt shared her cheese curls with Clark. Posted by Picasa

Aunt Stacy, Uncle Brian and Clark came to the party~ Posted by Picasa

Jim and Bradley ~ 7/28/06 Posted by Picasa

Brooke at the Elba CC pool ~ 7/28/06 Posted by Picasa

Brooke~ Happy Birthday #4~ July 18th,2006 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 20, 2006

 Posted by Picasa

Bradley, Clark and Brooke at the beach! Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

Clark , July 2006 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

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Check out the Aloe Vera plant again. The blooms have opened since June 13th picture. 7-01-06 Posted by Picasa

Brooke 7-1-06 Posted by Picasa

Bradley and Clark at the beach house 7-1-06 Posted by Picasa

Watching Baby Einstein at the beach Posted by Picasa

Stacy and Clark at Funland  Posted by Picasa

Clark at Funland in P.C. Beach, July 1, 2006 Posted by Picasa