Chapman Family

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The icing tastes yummy! Posted by Picasa

Decorating Mom's Birthday cake was fun! Posted by Picasa

Brooke and Bradley 6-22-06 Posted by Picasa

How sweet! Posted by Picasa

Playing in the rain is fun!! Posted by Picasa

Clark 6-25-06 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This is a giant Aloe Vera plant that grows in our neighborhood in FL.
It blooms like this once every 25 yrs! Posted by Picasa

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Brooke 6-10-06 Posted by Picasa

Brooke and Bradley in Cairo 6-10-06 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Me and My MOM! Posted by Picasa

Clark and Aunt Myrt are big "buddies!" Posted by Picasa

And Mama thought I was gonna take a nap on the boat!! Posted by Picasa

Lake Mitchell house 6-10-06 Posted by Picasa

Okay, I'm ready for the boat ride! Posted by Picasa

My nose had an accident at day care this week! Ouch! Posted by Picasa

this is such fun! Posted by Picasa

I know I can catch this water!! Posted by Picasa

Brian and Clark at Lake Mitchell 6-10-06 Posted by Picasa